Erika Kjellberg Eriksson CEO and Chair of the Board. Erika has been working in the life science sector for more than 20 years. Before joining nxt2b she served as CFO of OxThera, prior to that as Vice president and CFO of Q-Med and as CFO and CEO of BioPhausia. Erika has a formal background as B.Sc. in Ba and Econ. from Uppsala University and started her career as an auditor at Ernst & Young.
Per-Olof Wallström Member of the Board. Per-Olof Wallström has 50 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry and has held senior positions in the Nordic region and Europe at companies including Merck AB, Astra AB, Pharmacia AB and Bristol-Myers Squibb AB in the Nordics and Europe. He has also served as CEO of Karo Bio AB, Melacure Therapeutics AB and Q-Med AB.
Angelica Loskog Scientific adviser. Angelica is the CEO of Lokon Pharma AB and a Professor of Immunotherapy at Uppsala University. Angelica is within the field of immune, gene and cell therapy with a focus on cancer and autoimmune disease.